Third Person Cover Shooter  1.6
CoverShooter.AmmoBar Class Reference

Displays information about specific weapons ammunition. More...

Inheritance diagram for CoverShooter.AmmoBar:

Public Attributes

BaseGun Target
 Gun oject whose ammo is displayed on the ammo bar. More...
CharacterMotor Motor
 Motor which will be assigned the weapon when pressed. More...
float Value = 1.0f
 Current value of the ammo bar. More...
bool HideWhenNone = false
 Determines if the ammo bar is hidden when there is no target. More...
RectTransform BackgroundRect
 Link to the object that draws the background of the ammo bar. More...
RectTransform FillRect
 Link to the object that draws the ammo bar. More...
RectTransform Icon
 Link to the icon object. More...
Text Name
 Link to the object that will be used to display a gun's name. More...
Color ActiveColor = Color.white
 Color to use on elements when the gun is selected. More...
Color InactiveColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.6f)
 Color to use on elements when the gun is not selected. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from CoverShooter.PressButton
PressButtonSettings Button = PressButtonSettings.Default()

Protected Member Functions

override void OnPress ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CoverShooter.PressButton
virtual void OnRelease ()
virtual void OnEnter ()
virtual void OnExit ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from CoverShooter.PressButton
void OnPointerDown (PointerEventData eventData)
void OnPointerUp (PointerEventData eventData)
void OnPointerEnter (PointerEventData eventData)
void OnPointerExit (PointerEventData eventData)

Detailed Description

Displays information about specific weapons ammunition.

When pressed makes a character pick that weapon.

Member Function Documentation

◆ OnPress()

override void CoverShooter.AmmoBar.OnPress ( )

Reimplemented from CoverShooter.PressButton.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ActiveColor

Color CoverShooter.AmmoBar.ActiveColor = Color.white

Color to use on elements when the gun is selected.

◆ BackgroundRect

RectTransform CoverShooter.AmmoBar.BackgroundRect

Link to the object that draws the background of the ammo bar.

◆ FillRect

RectTransform CoverShooter.AmmoBar.FillRect

Link to the object that draws the ammo bar.

◆ HideWhenNone

bool CoverShooter.AmmoBar.HideWhenNone = false

Determines if the ammo bar is hidden when there is no target.

◆ Icon

RectTransform CoverShooter.AmmoBar.Icon

Link to the icon object.

◆ InactiveColor

Color CoverShooter.AmmoBar.InactiveColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.6f)

Color to use on elements when the gun is not selected.

◆ Motor

CharacterMotor CoverShooter.AmmoBar.Motor

Motor which will be assigned the weapon when pressed.

◆ Name

Text CoverShooter.AmmoBar.Name

Link to the object that will be used to display a gun's name.

◆ Target

BaseGun CoverShooter.AmmoBar.Target

Gun oject whose ammo is displayed on the ammo bar.

◆ Value

float CoverShooter.AmmoBar.Value = 1.0f

Current value of the ammo bar.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: