Third Person Cover Shooter  1.6
CoverShooter Namespace Reference


class  ActionButton
 Starts an AI action when pressed. More...
class  Actor
 Each character inside the level must have this component as the AI only regards objects with Actor as characters. More...
class  ActorHUD
 Manages and instantiates health bars and arrows for enemies. More...
struct  ActorMemory
class  Actors
struct  ActorTarget
 Describes enemy positions for the AI to aim at. More...
class  AggressiveSelector
 Sets aggressivness of the active character when enabled. More...
class  AIAction
 Describes and executes an AI action. More...
class  AIActions
 Stores possible actions for the AI to take. More...
class  AIActionsEditor
class  AIAim
 Manages head, body and arm direction for both civilians and fighters. More...
class  AIAlerts
 Generates alerts on various character events. More...
struct  AIApproximationSettings
 Describes possible error of the AI guesses. More...
class  AIAssault
 Makes the AI run towards the enemy as an assault. More...
class  AIBackupCall
 Continuously checks the situation. More...
class  AIBase
 Base parent class for some AI components. More...
class  AIBaseRegrouper
 Regroups other brains around the AI. More...
struct  AICall
 Results of an AI call. More...
class  AICommunication
 Finds nearby friends and makes connections to them. More...
class  AICopCall
 Creates a call event when the AI sees an enemy. More...
class  AICover
 Finds covers when asked by the brains. More...
class  AIEffects
 Listens for events comign from AI components and instantiates effects. More...
class  AIFear
 Checks the situation and issues a command to the brains to become scared. More...
class  AIFire
 Controls the equipment of weapons and their fire. More...
class  AIFlashlight
 Takes commands from other components and turns a flashlight on and off depending on a situation. More...
class  AIFlee
 If AI becomes scared they flee towards a flee zone, ignoring everything else. More...
class  AIFollow
 Moves and rotates the character motor so that it faces and follows the enemy when needed. More...
class  AIForget
 Resets the AI if no update of the enemy has occured for long enough. More...
class  AIFormation
 Moves the AI to a certain position. More...
struct  AIGrenadeSettings
 Settings for AI grenades. More...
class  AIInvestigation
 When the fighter brains enters investigation mode it passes the command of the character motor to this component. More...
class  AIItemBase
 Base class for an item management component. More...
class  AILeave
 Makes the AI to reset when the enemy is too far away. More...
class  AIListener
 Finds alerts surrounding the AI. More...
class  AIListeners
class  AIMelee
class  AIMovement
 Takes movement commands from other components and uses pathfinding to walk the character motor towards a destination. More...
struct  AimSettings
 Speed and angle settings for CharacterMotor. More...
class  AIPhone
 Allows the AI to take phonecalls and film using a phone. More...
class  AIProtector
 Sets the AI to attack enemies that attack the Target. More...
class  AIRadio
 Allows the AI to use a radio to take calls. More...
class  AIRegrouperButton
 Displays a button inside the inspector that triggers a manual regroup. More...
class  AIRegrouperButtonEditor
class  AIRegrouperCompany
 Triggers a regroup when the number of friends falls below a threshold. More...
class  AIRegrouperHealth
 Triggers a regroup when health falls below a certain threshold. More...
class  AIRegrouperProximity
 Triggers a regroup when the enemy is close enough. More...
class  AIRegrouperRetreat
 Triggers a regroup when the AI is retreating. More...
class  AISearch
 Allows the AI to search the level to find an enemy. More...
class  AISight
 Continuously updates a list of visible actors. More...
class  AISounds
 Plays various sounds on AI events. More...
struct  AIStartSettings
 Settings for AI start. More...
struct  AITargetSettings
class  AIThreatControl
 Manually manages the active enemy of the FighterBrain component. More...
class  AIUtil
 A number of utility functions related to the AI. More...
class  AIWaypoints
 When asked to, walks the character motor around the waypoints. More...
class  AIWaypointsEditor
class  Alert
 Generates alerts. More...
class  Alerts
class  AmmoBar
 Displays information about specific weapons ammunition. More...
class  AnimatedActorAction
 An action that moves the actor towards the target and executes an animation. More...
class  AnimatedAreaAction
 An action that is performed on an area. More...
class  AnimatedMassAction
 An action that is performed on everyone matching a criteria, no matter the distance. More...
class  ArmorBuff
 Multiplies received damage by CharacterHealth. More...
class  AttackAction
 Sets the AI to attack a target, overrides it's previous target. More...
class  AutoActionToggle
 Toggles whether an AI action is performed automatically or manually. More...
class  BaseBrain
 Base implementation of all the AI brains. More...
class  BaseBuff
 Base implementation for all buffs. More...
class  BaseCamera
 A camera that is pointed at a CharacterMotor. More...
class  BaseDialog
 Base dialog component. More...
class  BaseGun
 Guns raycasts bullets, manage magazine and recoil. More...
class  BaseMelee
class  BaseTab
 Button that actives objects when pressed. More...
class  BodyPartHealth
 Acts similarly to Character Health, but passed the taken damage to a first found Character Health component in the hierarchy. More...
class  BuffBar
 Displays buffs active on the given target object. More...
class  BulletShield
 Stops bullets and melee attacks from moving past the game object. More...
struct  Bursts
 Settings for bursts of fire. More...
class  CameraManager
 Holds the camera object. More...
class  CameraObjectFader
 Hides objects that are in front of the camera. More...
struct  CameraState
 Defines camera state for a single gameplay situation. More...
struct  CameraStates
 Settings for each camera state. More...
struct  Character
 Describes a human character. More...
class  CharacterAlerts
 Generates alerts for the AI to pick up on various character events. More...
class  CharacterCamera
 All cameras are to be able to update at certain moments in a frame. More...
class  CharacterEffects
 Spawns prefab instances on various character events. More...
class  CharacterFace
 Reacts to character events and modifies blend shapes in a mesh. More...
class  CharacterHealth
 Manages health and sets Is Alive in Character Motor to false when it reaches 0. More...
class  CharacterHealthEditor
struct  CharacterIK
class  CharacterInventory
class  CharacterMotor
 Characters must have a Character Motor component attached. More...
class  CharacterMotorEditor
struct  CharacterMovement
 Movement information of a character. More...
class  CharacterName
 Contains a character name used by the UI. More...
class  CharacterOutline
 Displays an outline around the character mesh. More...
class  CharacterPlatform
 Keeps character on top of a moving platform. More...
struct  CharacterProcess
 Custom motor process description. More...
class  Characters
 Manages a list of all characters inside the level. More...
class  CharacterSelector
 Changes active character when pressed. More...
class  CharacterSleep
 Turns off some components of character object when it is far away from the player’s character. More...
class  CharacterSounds
 Spawns sound instances on various character events. More...
class  CharacterStamina
 Maintains character health. More...
class  CharacterSwitcher
 Manages a list of actors. More...
class  CivilianBrain
 Simulates a peaceful civilian. More...
class  CivilianBrainEditor
class  ClimbAnimation
struct  ClimbSettings
 Climbing settings for a character. More...
class  ClimbStart
class  CloseButton
 Disables the target dialog when pressed. More...
class  Cover
 Walls usable for taking covers have to be marked by cover markers. More...
struct  CoverAimState
 Maintains state of aiming in cover. More...
class  CoverAnimation
struct  CoverBursts
 Settings for bursts of fire when in cover. More...
class  CoverCache
 Builds and maintains a list of covers near a position. More...
class  CoverEditor
struct  CoverItem
 Describes a single cover relative to an AI actor. More...
class  CoverOffsetAnimation
class  CoverSearch
 Manages a cache of covers used for search. More...
struct  CoverSettings
 Defines cover settings for a character. More...
struct  CoverState
 Cover state held by a CharacterMotor. More...
struct  CoverUpdateSettings
struct  CoverUser
 Describes an actor and its position. More...
class  Crosshair
struct  CrosshairSettings
class  CrouchTouch
 When pressed toggles associated characters crouch state. More...
class  CrouchTouchEditor
struct  CustomAction
 Describes a key used to trigger a custom action, animation and message names. More...
class  DamageBuff
 Multiplies damage dealt by the character's weapons. More...
class  DamageBuffAction
 Applies a DamageBuff to a target actor. More...
class  DamageTrigger
 Deals damage to Character Health components attached to objects that enter its trigger area. More...
class  DangerZone
 Denotes a zone that prompts the AI to be careful. More...
class  DarkZone
 Denotes a zone where objects have less visibility (decreases view distance for the AI). More...
class  DarkZoneEditor
class  DebugText
class  DelayedDestroy
 Destroys the game object after a certain amount of time. More...
class  DelayedDisable
 Disables the game object after a certain amount of time. More...
struct  DistanceRange
 Describes a value that is calculated based on a distance. More...
class  EffectAction
 An action that has an attached effect that is executed at the target position. More...
class  EnemyDisplayManager
 Creates and manages objects with Health Bar for all enemies visible on screen. More...
struct  EnemyDistanceRange
 Min and max distances for enemy to be in position for camera to zoom out. More...
class  EnemyHealth
 Takes a target of a character motor and sets a sibling Health Bar component to take its values. More...
class  EnemySight
 Generates and maintains a mesh depicting field of view for a character motor. More...
class  EquipAnimation
class  EquipBar
 When pressed makes a character pick that weapon. More...
class  EquipEditor
class  ExitToEscape
 Exits the game when an escape key is pressed. More...
class  ExplosionPreview
 Displays a sphere depicting an area of grenade explosion. More...
struct  FaceSettings
 Collection of modifiers for a face. More...
struct  FadedObject
 Holds the object with changed transparency. More...
struct  FadedRenderer
 Holds information about a faded renderer. More...
struct  FadeTarget
 Objects closer than the target are faded. More...
class  FighterBrain
 Simulates a fighter, takes cover, assaults, uses weapons, throws grenades, etc. More...
class  FighterBrainEditor
struct  FighterGrenadeAvoidSettings
struct  FighterInvestigationWaitSettings
struct  FighterRetreatSettings
struct  FighterSpeedSettings
class  Flashlight
 Turns on or off Unity's Light component. More...
class  FleeBlockEditor
class  FleeZone
 Denotes a target zone for the fleeing AI to run to. More...
class  FormationSelector
 Sets formation type of the active character when enabled. More...
struct  FreeRoamInDangerSettings
 Settings for a free roam formation when in danger. More...
struct  FreeRoamOutOfDangerSettings
 Settings for a free roam formation when not in danger. More...
struct  GeneratedAlert
 Describes an alert to be picked up by an AI (AIListener). More...
class  GetHitAnimation
struct  GlobalSearchCache
 Stores covers and search blocks inside the level. More...
class  GrassZone
 Denotes an area with grass. More...
class  Grenade
 Moves the object through the air and causes an explosion event after certain amount of time passes. More...
class  GrenadeAction
 Throws a grenade. More...
class  GrenadeAnimation
class  GrenadeBar
 On touch makes the character pick up a grenade. More...
struct  GrenadeDescription
 A grenade description passed to functions inside GrenadePath. More...
class  GrenadeList
 All currently active grenades. More...
class  GrenadePath
 Contains functions used for grenade path calculation. More...
struct  GrenadeSettings
 Grenade settings for the CharacterMotor. More...
class  Gun
 Default implementation of the BaseGun script. More...
class  GunAlerts
 Generates alerts for the AI to pick up on various gun events. More...
class  GunAmmo
 Maintains information about the gun and it's ammo. More...
class  GunAmmoEditor
class  GunEffects
 Spawns effects prefabs on various gun events like reloads or gunfire. More...
struct  GunRecoilSettings
 Recoil settings for a gun. More...
class  GunSounds
 Generates randomised sounds on various gun events. More...
struct  HandOverwrite
 Defines hand position markers to overwrite the default marker. More...
class  HealAction
 Heals a single actor. More...
class  HealthBar
 Takes a relative health from a Character Health component and displays a bar that displays the value. More...
class  HealthBarEditor
struct  Hit
 Description of a bullet hit. More...
class  HitAlerts
 Broadcasts alerts upon a hit. More...
class  HitEffect
 Spawns an effect upon a hit. More...
class  HitResponseSettings
 Settings for the CharacterMotor IK when hit. More...
class  HitSounds
 Plays sounds upon a hit. More...
class  HoldPositionAction
 Tells the AI to stay at a position no matter what. More...
class  HoldPositionMarker
 Instantiates a prefab and manages it, based on events generated by other AI components. More...
interface  IAlertListener
interface  ICharacterController
 Requires all character controllers to be able to be updated after camera. More...
interface  ICharacterCoverListener
interface  ICharacterGunListener
interface  ICharacterHealthListener
interface  ICharacterHeightListener
interface  ICharacterPhysicsListener
interface  ICharacterSuccessfulHitListener
interface  ICharacterToolListener
interface  ICharacterWalkListener
interface  ICharacterWeaponChangeListener
interface  ICharacterZoomListener
interface  IGunListener
class  IK
 Object that calculates IK transformations. More...
struct  IKBone
 Settings of a bone to be manipulated by IK. More...
struct  IKConfig
struct  IKSettings
 Character's IK settings. More...
class  IKTransform
 Representation of a transform manipulated by IK. More...
interface  IMeleeListener
class  InstantAction
 An action that is performed instantly with no delay. More...
struct  InvestigatedPoint
 Information about an already investigated position. More...
class  JumpAnimation
struct  JumpSettings
 Character jump settings. More...
struct  KeepCloseTo
 Describes a position and distance for the AI to stay from it. More...
class  Laser
 Generates and displays a laser mesh. More...
class  LayerManager
class  LayerManagerEditor
class  Layers
 Stores object layers. More...
class  LightZone
 Denotes a zone with increased visibility. More...
struct  LineFormationSettings
 Settings for a line formation. More...
class  MassArmorBuffAction
 Applies ArmorBuff to everyone matching a certain criteria, no matter the distance. More...
class  MassDamageBuffAction
 Applies DamageBuff to everyone matching a certain criteria, no matter the distance. More...
class  MassHealAction
 Heals everyone matching a certain criteria, no matter the distance. More...
class  Melee
class  MeleeAlerts
 Generates alerts for the AI to pick up on various melee events. More...
class  MeleeAnimation
class  MeleeAttackEditor
class  MeleeEffects
 Spawns effects prefabs on various melee events. More...
class  MeleeSounds
 Generates randomised sounds on various melee events. More...
class  MeleeTouch
 When pressed makes the target motor attack with melee. More...
class  Menu
class  MobileCamera
 Manages the camera object by setting an appropriate position depending on the target object's state. More...
struct  MobileCameraTargetOffsets
 Camera target offsets. More...
class  MobileController
 Takes touch screen input and translates that to Character Motor commands. More...
class  MouseLock
 Locks mouse cursor inside the game window. More...
class  ParticleCameraMotionBlur
 Sets up motion vector generation mode to camera. More...
class  PathPreview
 Builds a path mesh that depicts the approximated flight of a grenade. More...
class  Phone
 Denotes the object as a phone. More...
class  PlayerArmTrigger
 Causes player characters to pick a weapon when they enter the trigger area. More...
class  PlayerDisarmTrigger
 Causes player characters to hide their weapon upon entering the area. More...
class  PressButton
 Registers pointer events and adjusts Image based on the UI state. More...
struct  PressButtonSettings
 Describes button graphics for each possible UI state. More...
class  Projectile
 An object that flies a distance and then destroys itself. More...
class  Radio
 Denotes the object as a radio. More...
class  RandomAudio
 Picks a random audio sample from the supplied list and sets Audio Source to play it. More...
class  RegroupButton
 Stops all actions and tells the characters to move back to default positions. More...
class  ReloadAnimation
class  ResetOnDeath
 Reset the level on character's death. More...
class  RollAnimation
struct  RollSettings
 Character roll settings. More...
struct  SearchBlock
class  SearchBlockCache
struct  SearchPoint
 Information about a searchable position. More...
class  SearchPointData
class  SearchZone
 Denotes an open area for the AI to check out when searching. More...
class  SearchZoneCache
 Maintains a list of search zones inside an area (denoted by a position and radius). More...
class  SearchZoneEditor
class  ShieldAction
 Enables the target object. More...
struct  ShoulderSettings
 Relative positions for the camera. More...
class  SmokeGrenade
 A version of a grenade that applies a VisionBuff to objects with CharacterMotor. More...
class  SpawnGroup
 Manages a group of spawn points. More...
class  SpawnPicker
 Manages a collection of spanw groups. More...
class  SpawnPoint
 Denotes a single point in space and prefabs that are by default spanwed here when required. More...
class  SpawnPointEditor
struct  SquareFormationSettings
 Settings for a square formation. More...
class  StaminaBar
 Manages the display of a character's stamina. More...
class  StrategyCamera
 Simple camera that looks and follows at characters from above. More...
class  StrategyInput
 Allows to perform AIActions based on the player input. More...
class  SupportDialog
 Manages the UI for adjusting support parameters of the active character. More...
class  SupportSelector
 Denotes a single possible character value to be supported for the currently active character. More...
class  TempOutline
 A basic buff that displays only an outline. More...
class  ThirdPersonCamera
 Manages the camera object by setting an appropriate orientation depending on the target object's state. More...
class  ThirdPersonCameraEditor
class  ThirdPersonController
 Takes player input (usually from ThirdPersonInput) and translates that to commands to CharacterMotor. More...
class  ThirdPersonInput
 Takes player input and transform it to commands to ThirdPersonController. More...
struct  Threat
class  ThreatSelector
 Changes threat priority when pressed for the currently active character. More...
class  ThrowAnimation
class  Tool
 Tools are like Gun or Melee attached to a weapon. More...
class  TopDownCamera
 Strategical top down camera that follows characters and adjusts it's height based on the situation. More...
class  TopDownInput
 Takes player input and transform it to commands to ThirdPersonController. More...
class  TouchAiming
 Takes directional input from the touch screen and passes it to Mobile Controller as aim direction. More...
class  TouchBase
 Base implementation for character touch controls. More...
class  TouchMovement
 Takes directional movement input from the touch screen and passes it to Mobile Controller. More...
class  ToxicGrenade
 A version of a grenade that applies a DamageBuff to objects with CharacterMotor. More...
class  TriggerCountWave
 A version of SpawnGroup that triggers when a certain team has less members than specified. More...
struct  TurnSettings
 Speed and angle settings for CharacterMotor. More...
class  UnequipAnimation
class  Util
 Utility functions. More...
struct  VaultSettings
 Vault settings for a character. More...
class  Visibility
 Records and stores Unity renderer visibility. More...
class  VisionBuff
 Adjusts AISight when active. More...
class  WalkAnimation
struct  Waypoint
 Definition of an AI patrol waypoint. More...
struct  WeaponDescription
 Description of a weapon/tool held by a CharacterMotor. More...
class  WeaponUseAnimation
class  Zone
 Denotes a trigger zone area. More...


enum  CivilianState {
  CivilianState.idle, CivilianState.walkAround, CivilianState.follow, CivilianState.flee,
 Possible states for the civilian AI to take. More...
enum  FighterState {
  FighterState.none, FighterState.idle, FighterState.idleButAlerted, FighterState.patrol,
  FighterState.standAndFight, FighterState.keepCloseTo, FighterState.maintainPosition, FighterState.takeCover,
  FighterState.takeDefenseCover, FighterState.switchCover, FighterState.retreatToCover, FighterState.fightInCover,
  FighterState.hideInCover, FighterState.avoidAndFight, FighterState.runAway, FighterState.avoidGrenade,, FighterState.assault,, FighterState.investigate,
  FighterState.flee,, FighterState.process
 Possible states for the fighting AI to take. More...
enum  FormationType { FormationType.Free, FormationType.Square, FormationType.Line }
enum  InventoryUsage { InventoryUsage.autoFind, InventoryUsage.index, InventoryUsage.none }
enum  ThreatPriority { ThreatPriority.Closest, ThreatPriority.LeastHealth, ThreatPriority.LeadersTarget }
enum  ReloadType { ReloadType.Magazine, ReloadType.Bullet, ReloadType.Pump }
enum  ChainElement {
  ChainElement.lowerArm, ChainElement.upperArm, ChainElement.shoulder, ChainElement.head,
  ChainElement.neck, ChainElement.chest, ChainElement.spine
enum  CoverOffsetState { CoverOffsetState.None, CoverOffsetState.Entering, CoverOffsetState.Using, CoverOffsetState.Exiting }
 Current cover offset state inside the character motor. More...
enum  WeaponEquipState { WeaponEquipState.unequipped, WeaponEquipState.equipping, WeaponEquipState.equipped, WeaponEquipState.unequipping }
 State of the weapon in character's hands. More...
enum  CharacterSpeed { CharacterSpeed.Walk, CharacterSpeed.Run, CharacterSpeed.Sprint }
enum  CoverClimb { CoverClimb.No, CoverClimb.Climb, CoverClimb.Vault }
 Types of cover climbing More...
enum  AimStep { AimStep.None, AimStep.Enter, AimStep.Aiming }
 Aiming step. More...
enum  DamageType { DamageType.Relative, DamageType.Constant }
 Type of damage dealt. More...
enum  AIStartMode {
  AIStartMode.idle, AIStartMode.patrol, AIStartMode.alerted, AIStartMode.searchAround,
  AIStartMode.searchPosition, AIStartMode.investigate
enum  Pivot { Pivot.constant, Pivot.rightShoulder, Pivot.leftShoulder }
enum  Limb { Limb.RightHand, Limb.LeftHand }
enum  HitType {
  HitType.Pistol, HitType.Rifle, HitType.Shotgun, HitType.Sniper,
  HitType.Fist, HitType.Machete, HitType.PistolMelee, HitType.RifleMelee,
  HitType.ShotgunMelee, HitType.SniperMelee, HitType.Explosion
enum  ToolType { ToolType.none,,, ToolType.flashlight }
 Denotes the type of the tool, used by the CharacterMotor and AI. More...
enum  WeaponType {
  WeaponType.Pistol, WeaponType.Rifle, WeaponType.Shotgun, WeaponType.Sniper,
  WeaponType.Fist, WeaponType.Machete
 Defines character animations used with a weapon. More...
enum  WeaponAiming { WeaponAiming.input, WeaponAiming.always, WeaponAiming.alwaysImmediateTurn }
 Weapon aiming setting. More...
enum  VisibilityType { VisibilityType.constant, VisibilityType.multiplier }
 Visiblity type, it can be either a modification over the AI view distance property or a constant and independent value. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AimStep

enum CoverShooter.AimStep

Aiming step.


◆ AIStartMode


◆ ChainElement


◆ CharacterSpeed


◆ CivilianState

Possible states for the civilian AI to take.


◆ CoverClimb

Types of cover climbing


◆ CoverOffsetState

Current cover offset state inside the character motor.


◆ DamageType

Type of damage dealt.

Relative means relative to MaxHealth. Constant is always the same no matter the character that triggers.


◆ FighterState

Possible states for the fighting AI to take.


◆ FormationType


◆ HitType

enum CoverShooter.HitType

◆ InventoryUsage


◆ Limb

enum CoverShooter.Limb

◆ Pivot

enum CoverShooter.Pivot

◆ ReloadType


◆ ThreatPriority


◆ ToolType

enum CoverShooter.ToolType

Denotes the type of the tool, used by the CharacterMotor and AI.


◆ VisibilityType

Visiblity type, it can be either a modification over the AI view distance property or a constant and independent value.


◆ WeaponAiming

Weapon aiming setting.


Wait for controller input to aim.


Always point the gun (if not in cover).


Always point the gun (if not in cover) and turn immediately.

◆ WeaponEquipState

State of the weapon in character's hands.


◆ WeaponType

Defines character animations used with a weapon.
