static int | FindActorsIncludingDead (Vector3 position, float radius, Actor ignore=null) |
| Finds all actors near the given position in a given radius. More...
static int | FindActors (Vector3 position, float radius, Actor ignore=null) |
| Finds all actors near the given position in a given radius. More...
static int | FindActors (Vector3 position, float radius, bool ignoreDead, Actor ignore=null) |
| Finds all actors near the given position in a given radius. More...
static Actor | FindClosestActorIncludingDead (Vector3 position, float radius, Actor ignore=null) |
| Finds a closest actor to the given position in a given radius. More...
static Actor | FindClosestActor (Vector3 position, float radius, Actor ignore=null) |
| Finds a closest actor to the given position in a given radius. More...
static Actor | FindClosestActor (Vector3 position, float radius, bool ignoreDead, Actor ignore=null) |
| Finds a closest actor to the given position in a given radius. More...
static bool | IsNavigationBlocked (Vector3 origin, Vector3 target) |
| Returns true if a ray cannot be traced on a navmesh without hiting anything. More...
static bool | GetClosestStandablePosition (ref Vector3 position) |
| Modifies the position to the closed on a nav mesh. More...
static bool | IsPositionOnNavMesh (Vector3 position) |
| Returns true if the given position is on a nav mesh. More...
static void | Path (ref NavMeshPath path, Vector3 source, Vector3 target) |
| Calculates a path from the source to target. More...
static bool | IsInSight (Actor actor, Vector3 target, float maxDistance, float fieldOfView, float obstacleObstructionDistance=1) |
| Returns true if a given position is in sight. More...
static bool | IsObstructed (Vector3 origin, Vector3 target) |
| Returns true if there is no unobstructed line between the given origin and the target. More...
static bool | IsGoodAngle (float maxTallAngle, float maxLowAngle, Cover cover, Vector3 a, Vector3 b, bool isTall) |
| Returns true if the given position on the cover protects the character from the enemy. More...
static bool | IsCoverPositionFree (Cover cover, Vector3 position, float threshold, Actor newcomer) |
| Returns true if the given position is already taken by a friend that's close enough to communicate. More...
static bool | IsJustThisCoverPositionFree (Cover cover, Vector3 position, float threshold, Actor newcomer) |
| Returns true if the given position is free for taking. More...
A number of utility functions related to the AI.