▶NCoverShooter | |
CActionButton | Starts an AI action when pressed |
CActor | Each character inside the level must have this component as the AI only regards objects with Actor as characters |
CActorHUD | Manages and instantiates health bars and arrows for enemies |
CActorMemory | |
CActors | |
CActorTarget | Describes enemy positions for the AI to aim at |
CAggressiveSelector | Sets aggressivness of the active character when enabled |
CAIAction | Describes and executes an AI action |
CAIActions | Stores possible actions for the AI to take |
CAIActionsEditor | |
CAIAim | Manages head, body and arm direction for both civilians and fighters |
CAIAlerts | Generates alerts on various character events |
CAIApproximationSettings | Describes possible error of the AI guesses |
CAIAssault | Makes the AI run towards the enemy as an assault |
CAIBackupCall | Continuously checks the situation |
CAIBase | Base parent class for some AI components |
CAIBaseRegrouper | Regroups other brains around the AI |
CAICall | Results of an AI call |
CAICommunication | Finds nearby friends and makes connections to them |
CAICopCall | Creates a call event when the AI sees an enemy |
CAICover | Finds covers when asked by the brains |
CAIEffects | Listens for events comign from AI components and instantiates effects |
CAIFear | Checks the situation and issues a command to the brains to become scared |
CAIFire | Controls the equipment of weapons and their fire |
CAIFlashlight | Takes commands from other components and turns a flashlight on and off depending on a situation |
CAIFlee | If AI becomes scared they flee towards a flee zone, ignoring everything else |
CAIFollow | Moves and rotates the character motor so that it faces and follows the enemy when needed |
CAIForget | Resets the AI if no update of the enemy has occured for long enough |
CAIFormation | Moves the AI to a certain position |
CAIGrenadeSettings | Settings for AI grenades |
CAIInvestigation | When the fighter brains enters investigation mode it passes the command of the character motor to this component |
CAIItemBase | Base class for an item management component |
CAILeave | Makes the AI to reset when the enemy is too far away |
CAIListener | Finds alerts surrounding the AI |
CAIListeners | |
CAIMelee | |
CAIMovement | Takes movement commands from other components and uses pathfinding to walk the character motor towards a destination |
CAimSettings | Speed and angle settings for CharacterMotor |
CAIPhone | Allows the AI to take phonecalls and film using a phone |
CAIProtector | Sets the AI to attack enemies that attack the Target |
CAIRadio | Allows the AI to use a radio to take calls |
CAIRegrouperButton | Displays a button inside the inspector that triggers a manual regroup |
CAIRegrouperButtonEditor | |
CAIRegrouperCompany | Triggers a regroup when the number of friends falls below a threshold |
CAIRegrouperHealth | Triggers a regroup when health falls below a certain threshold |
CAIRegrouperProximity | Triggers a regroup when the enemy is close enough |
CAIRegrouperRetreat | Triggers a regroup when the AI is retreating |
CAISearch | Allows the AI to search the level to find an enemy |
CAISight | Continuously updates a list of visible actors |
CAISounds | Plays various sounds on AI events |
CAIStartSettings | Settings for AI start |
CAITargetSettings | |
CAIThreatControl | Manually manages the active enemy of the FighterBrain component |
CAIUtil | A number of utility functions related to the AI |
CAIWaypoints | When asked to, walks the character motor around the waypoints |
CAIWaypointsEditor | |
CAlert | Generates alerts |
CAlerts | |
CAmmoBar | Displays information about specific weapons ammunition |
CAnimatedActorAction | An action that moves the actor towards the target and executes an animation |
CAnimatedAreaAction | An action that is performed on an area |
CAnimatedMassAction | An action that is performed on everyone matching a criteria, no matter the distance |
CArmorBuff | Multiplies received damage by CharacterHealth |
CAttackAction | Sets the AI to attack a target, overrides it's previous target |
CAutoActionToggle | Toggles whether an AI action is performed automatically or manually |
CBaseBrain | Base implementation of all the AI brains |
CBaseBuff | Base implementation for all buffs |
CBaseCamera | A camera that is pointed at a CharacterMotor |
CBaseDialog | Base dialog component |
CBaseGun | Guns raycasts bullets, manage magazine and recoil |
CBaseMelee | |
CBaseTab | Button that actives objects when pressed |
CBodyPartHealth | Acts similarly to Character Health, but passed the taken damage to a first found Character Health component in the hierarchy |
CBuffBar | Displays buffs active on the given target object |
CBulletShield | Stops bullets and melee attacks from moving past the game object |
CBursts | Settings for bursts of fire |
CCameraManager | Holds the camera object |
CCameraObjectFader | Hides objects that are in front of the camera |
CCameraState | Defines camera state for a single gameplay situation |
CCameraStates | Settings for each camera state |
CCharacter | Describes a human character |
CCharacterAlerts | Generates alerts for the AI to pick up on various character events |
CCharacterCamera | All cameras are to be able to update at certain moments in a frame |
CCharacterEffects | Spawns prefab instances on various character events |
CCharacterFace | Reacts to character events and modifies blend shapes in a mesh |
CCharacterHealth | Manages health and sets Is Alive in Character Motor to false when it reaches 0 |
CCharacterHealthEditor | |
CCharacterIK | |
CCharacterInventory | |
CCharacterMotor | Characters must have a Character Motor component attached |
CCharacterMotorEditor | |
CCharacterMovement | Movement information of a character |
CCharacterName | Contains a character name used by the UI |
CCharacterOutline | Displays an outline around the character mesh |
CCharacterPlatform | Keeps character on top of a moving platform |
CCharacterProcess | Custom motor process description |
CCharacters | Manages a list of all characters inside the level |
CCharacterSelector | Changes active character when pressed |
CCharacterSleep | Turns off some components of character object when it is far away from the player’s character |
CCharacterSounds | Spawns sound instances on various character events |
CCharacterStamina | Maintains character health |
CCharacterSwitcher | Manages a list of actors |
CCivilianBrain | Simulates a peaceful civilian |
CCivilianBrainEditor | |
CClimbAnimation | |
CClimbSettings | Climbing settings for a character |
CClimbStart | |
CCloseButton | Disables the target dialog when pressed |
CCover | Walls usable for taking covers have to be marked by cover markers |
CCoverAimState | Maintains state of aiming in cover |
CCoverAnimation | |
CCoverBursts | Settings for bursts of fire when in cover |
CCoverCache | Builds and maintains a list of covers near a position |
CCoverEditor | |
CCoverItem | Describes a single cover relative to an AI actor |
CCoverOffsetAnimation | |
CCoverSearch | Manages a cache of covers used for search |
CCoverSettings | Defines cover settings for a character |
CCoverState | Cover state held by a CharacterMotor |
CCoverUpdateSettings | |
CCoverUser | Describes an actor and its position |
CCrosshair | |
CCrosshairSettings | |
CCrouchTouch | When pressed toggles associated characters crouch state |
CCrouchTouchEditor | |
CCustomAction | Describes a key used to trigger a custom action, animation and message names |
CDamageBuff | Multiplies damage dealt by the character's weapons |
CDamageBuffAction | Applies a DamageBuff to a target actor |
CDamageTrigger | Deals damage to Character Health components attached to objects that enter its trigger area |
CDangerZone | Denotes a zone that prompts the AI to be careful |
CDarkZone | Denotes a zone where objects have less visibility (decreases view distance for the AI) |
CDarkZoneEditor | |
CDebugText | |
CDelayedDestroy | Destroys the game object after a certain amount of time |
CDelayedDisable | Disables the game object after a certain amount of time |
CDistanceRange | Describes a value that is calculated based on a distance |
CEffectAction | An action that has an attached effect that is executed at the target position |
CEnemyDisplayManager | Creates and manages objects with Health Bar for all enemies visible on screen |
CEnemyDistanceRange | Min and max distances for enemy to be in position for camera to zoom out |
CEnemyHealth | Takes a target of a character motor and sets a sibling Health Bar component to take its values |
CEnemySight | Generates and maintains a mesh depicting field of view for a character motor |
CEquipAnimation | |
CEquipBar | When pressed makes a character pick that weapon |
CEquipEditor | |
CExitToEscape | Exits the game when an escape key is pressed |
CExplosionPreview | Displays a sphere depicting an area of grenade explosion |
CFaceSettings | Collection of modifiers for a face |
CFadedObject | Holds the object with changed transparency |
CFadedRenderer | Holds information about a faded renderer |
CFadeTarget | Objects closer than the target are faded |
CFighterBrain | Simulates a fighter, takes cover, assaults, uses weapons, throws grenades, etc |
CFighterBrainEditor | |
CFighterGrenadeAvoidSettings | |
CFighterInvestigationWaitSettings | |
CFighterRetreatSettings | |
CFighterSpeedSettings | |
CFlashlight | Turns on or off Unity's Light component |
CFleeBlockEditor | |
CFleeZone | Denotes a target zone for the fleeing AI to run to |
CFormationSelector | Sets formation type of the active character when enabled |
CFreeRoamInDangerSettings | Settings for a free roam formation when in danger |
CFreeRoamOutOfDangerSettings | Settings for a free roam formation when not in danger |
CGeneratedAlert | Describes an alert to be picked up by an AI (AIListener) |
CGetHitAnimation | |
CGlobalSearchCache | Stores covers and search blocks inside the level |
CGrassZone | Denotes an area with grass |
CGrenade | Moves the object through the air and causes an explosion event after certain amount of time passes |
CGrenadeAction | Throws a grenade |
CGrenadeAnimation | |
CGrenadeBar | On touch makes the character pick up a grenade |
CGrenadeDescription | A grenade description passed to functions inside GrenadePath |
CGrenadeList | All currently active grenades |
CGrenadePath | Contains functions used for grenade path calculation |
CGrenadeSettings | Grenade settings for the CharacterMotor |
CGun | Default implementation of the BaseGun script |
CGunAlerts | Generates alerts for the AI to pick up on various gun events |
CGunAmmo | Maintains information about the gun and it's ammo |
CGunAmmoEditor | |
CGunEffects | Spawns effects prefabs on various gun events like reloads or gunfire |
CGunRecoilSettings | Recoil settings for a gun |
CGunSounds | Generates randomised sounds on various gun events |
CHandOverwrite | Defines hand position markers to overwrite the default marker |
CHealAction | Heals a single actor |
CHealthBar | Takes a relative health from a Character Health component and displays a bar that displays the value |
CHealthBarEditor | |
CHit | Description of a bullet hit |
CHitAlerts | Broadcasts alerts upon a hit |
CHitEffect | Spawns an effect upon a hit |
CHitResponseSettings | Settings for the CharacterMotor IK when hit |
CHitSounds | Plays sounds upon a hit |
CHoldPositionAction | Tells the AI to stay at a position no matter what |
CHoldPositionMarker | Instantiates a prefab and manages it, based on events generated by other AI components |
CIAlertListener | |
CICharacterController | Requires all character controllers to be able to be updated after camera |
CICharacterCoverListener | |
CICharacterGunListener | |
CICharacterHealthListener | |
CICharacterHeightListener | |
CICharacterPhysicsListener | |
CICharacterSuccessfulHitListener | |
CICharacterToolListener | |
CICharacterWalkListener | |
CICharacterWeaponChangeListener | |
CICharacterZoomListener | |
CIGunListener | |
CIK | Object that calculates IK transformations |
CIKBone | Settings of a bone to be manipulated by IK |
CIKConfig | |
CIKSettings | Character's IK settings |
CIKTransform | Representation of a transform manipulated by IK |
CIMeleeListener | |
CInstantAction | An action that is performed instantly with no delay |
CInvestigatedPoint | Information about an already investigated position |
CJumpAnimation | |
CJumpSettings | Character jump settings |
CKeepCloseTo | Describes a position and distance for the AI to stay from it |
CLaser | Generates and displays a laser mesh |
CLayerManager | |
CLayerManagerEditor | |
CLayers | Stores object layers |
CLightZone | Denotes a zone with increased visibility |
CLineFormationSettings | Settings for a line formation |
CMassArmorBuffAction | Applies ArmorBuff to everyone matching a certain criteria, no matter the distance |
CMassDamageBuffAction | Applies DamageBuff to everyone matching a certain criteria, no matter the distance |
CMassHealAction | Heals everyone matching a certain criteria, no matter the distance |
CMelee | |
CMeleeAlerts | Generates alerts for the AI to pick up on various melee events |
CMeleeAnimation | |
CMeleeAttackEditor | |
CMeleeEffects | Spawns effects prefabs on various melee events |
CMeleeSounds | Generates randomised sounds on various melee events |
CMeleeTouch | When pressed makes the target motor attack with melee |
CMenu | |
CMobileCamera | Manages the camera object by setting an appropriate position depending on the target object's state |
CMobileCameraTargetOffsets | Camera target offsets |
CMobileController | Takes touch screen input and translates that to Character Motor commands |
CMouseLock | Locks mouse cursor inside the game window |
CParticleCameraMotionBlur | Sets up motion vector generation mode to camera |
CPathPreview | Builds a path mesh that depicts the approximated flight of a grenade |
CPhone | Denotes the object as a phone |
CPlayerArmTrigger | Causes player characters to pick a weapon when they enter the trigger area |
CPlayerDisarmTrigger | Causes player characters to hide their weapon upon entering the area |
CPressButton | Registers pointer events and adjusts Image based on the UI state |
CPressButtonSettings | Describes button graphics for each possible UI state |
CProjectile | An object that flies a distance and then destroys itself |
CRadio | Denotes the object as a radio |
CRandomAudio | Picks a random audio sample from the supplied list and sets Audio Source to play it |
CRegroupButton | Stops all actions and tells the characters to move back to default positions |
CReloadAnimation | |
CResetOnDeath | Reset the level on character's death |
CRollAnimation | |
CRollSettings | Character roll settings |
CSearchBlock | |
CSearchBlockCache | |
CSearchPoint | Information about a searchable position |
CSearchPointData | |
CSearchZone | Denotes an open area for the AI to check out when searching |
CSearchZoneCache | Maintains a list of search zones inside an area (denoted by a position and radius) |
CSearchZoneEditor | |
CShieldAction | Enables the target object |
CShoulderSettings | Relative positions for the camera |
CSmokeGrenade | A version of a grenade that applies a VisionBuff to objects with CharacterMotor |
CSpawnGroup | Manages a group of spawn points |
CSpawnPicker | Manages a collection of spanw groups |
CSpawnPoint | Denotes a single point in space and prefabs that are by default spanwed here when required |
CSpawnPointEditor | |
CSquareFormationSettings | Settings for a square formation |
CStaminaBar | Manages the display of a character's stamina |
CStrategyCamera | Simple camera that looks and follows at characters from above |
CStrategyInput | Allows to perform AIActions based on the player input |
CSupportDialog | Manages the UI for adjusting support parameters of the active character |
CSupportSelector | Denotes a single possible character value to be supported for the currently active character |
CTempOutline | A basic buff that displays only an outline |
CThirdPersonCamera | Manages the camera object by setting an appropriate orientation depending on the target object's state |
CThirdPersonCameraEditor | |
CThirdPersonController | Takes player input (usually from ThirdPersonInput) and translates that to commands to CharacterMotor |
CThirdPersonInput | Takes player input and transform it to commands to ThirdPersonController |
CThreat | |
CThreatSelector | Changes threat priority when pressed for the currently active character |
CThrowAnimation | |
CTool | Tools are like Gun or Melee attached to a weapon |
CTopDownCamera | Strategical top down camera that follows characters and adjusts it's height based on the situation |
CTopDownInput | Takes player input and transform it to commands to ThirdPersonController |
CTouchAiming | Takes directional input from the touch screen and passes it to Mobile Controller as aim direction |
CTouchBase | Base implementation for character touch controls |
CTouchMovement | Takes directional movement input from the touch screen and passes it to Mobile Controller |
CToxicGrenade | A version of a grenade that applies a DamageBuff to objects with CharacterMotor |
CTriggerCountWave | A version of SpawnGroup that triggers when a certain team has less members than specified |
CTurnSettings | Speed and angle settings for CharacterMotor |
CUnequipAnimation | |
CUtil | Utility functions |
CVaultSettings | Vault settings for a character |
CVisibility | Records and stores Unity renderer visibility |
CVisionBuff | Adjusts AISight when active |
CWalkAnimation | |
CWaypoint | Definition of an AI patrol waypoint |
CWeaponDescription | Description of a weapon/tool held by a CharacterMotor |
CWeaponUseAnimation | |
CZone | Denotes a trigger zone area |