Third Person Cover Shooter  1.6
CoverShooter.BulletShield Class Reference

Stops bullets and melee attacks from moving past the game object. More...

Inheritance diagram for CoverShooter.BulletShield:

Static Public Member Functions

static BulletShield Get (GameObject gameObject)
 Returns a shield attached to the object. More...
static bool Contains (GameObject gameObject)
 Returns true if the given object contains a bullet shield component. More...

Detailed Description

Stops bullets and melee attacks from moving past the game object.

Works in only one direction.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Contains()

static bool CoverShooter.BulletShield.Contains ( GameObject  gameObject)

Returns true if the given object contains a bullet shield component.

◆ Get()

static BulletShield CoverShooter.BulletShield.Get ( GameObject  gameObject)

Returns a shield attached to the object.

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