◆ Default()
◆ Adaptation
float CoverShooter.CrosshairSettings.Adaptation |
Speed at which the crosshair adapts to new sizes.
◆ HighAngle
float CoverShooter.CrosshairSettings.HighAngle |
Aim angle at which the last sprite is drawn.
◆ LowAngle
float CoverShooter.CrosshairSettings.LowAngle |
Aim angle at which the first sprite is drawn.
◆ RecoilMultiplier
float CoverShooter.CrosshairSettings.RecoilMultiplier |
How much to multiply the angle offset produced by recoil.
◆ Scale
float CoverShooter.CrosshairSettings.Scale |
Scale of the drawn sprite.
◆ ShakeMultiplier
float CoverShooter.CrosshairSettings.ShakeMultiplier |
How much to multiply the angle offset produced by camera shaking.
◆ Sprites
Sprite [] CoverShooter.CrosshairSettings.Sprites |
Sprites to be used when drawing the crosshair.
Used according to min and max aim angle.
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: