Third Person Cover Shooter
This is the complete list of members for CoverShooter.Util, including all inherited members.
Clone(Mesh mesh, int[] triangles) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
Colliders | CoverShooter.Util | static |
DistanceToSegment(Vector3 point, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
FindClosestToPath(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 point) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
FindDeltaPath(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 point) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
GetClosestCover(Vector3 position, float radius, ref Cover resultCover, ref Vector3 resultPosition) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
GetClosestHit(Vector3 origin, Vector3 target, float minDistance, GameObject ignore=null) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
GetClosestHitIgnoreSide(Vector3 origin, Vector3 target, float minDistance, int side, out Vector3 normal) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
GetClosestNonActorHit(Vector3 origin, Vector3 target, float minDistance, GameObject ignore=null) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
GetClosestRaycastHit(Vector3 origin, Vector3 target, float minDistance, GameObject ignore=null) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
GetClosestStaticHit(Vector3 origin, Vector3 target, float minDistance, GameObject ignore=null) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
GetInterfaces< T >(GameObject gameObject) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
GetPinch() | CoverShooter.Util | static |
GetViewDistance(Vector3 position, float viewDistance, bool isAlerted) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
GetViewDistance(float viewDistance, List< DarkZone > dark, List< LightZone > light, List< GrassZone > grass, bool isAlerted) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
Hits | CoverShooter.Util | static |
HorizontalAngle(Vector3 vector) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
HorizontalVector(float angle) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
InHiearchyOf(GameObject target, GameObject parent) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
IsFree(GameObject gameObject, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, float distance, bool coverMeansFree, bool actorMeansFree) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
Lerp(float Value, float Target, float rate) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
Lerp(Vector3 Value, Vector3 Target, float rate) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
Lerp(Quaternion Value, Quaternion Target, float rate) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
Lerp(ref float Value, float Target, float rate) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
Lerp(ref Vector3 Value, Vector3 Target, float rate) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
Lerp(ref Quaternion Value, Quaternion Target, float rate) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
LerpAngle(float Value, float Target, float rate) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
LerpAngle(ref float Value, float Target, float rate) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
Move(ref Vector3 Value, Vector3 Target, float speed) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
Move(ref float Value, float Target, float speed) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
MoveAngle(ref float Value, float Target, float speed) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
RandomUnobstructedAngle(GameObject gameObject, Vector3 position, float maxObstruction, int attempts=10) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
RandomUnobstructedAngle(GameObject gameObject, Vector3 position, float current, float angleRange, float maxObstruction, int attempts=10) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
Vector(float horizontal, float vertical) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
VectorToSegment(Vector3 point, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
VerticalAngle(Vector3 vector) | CoverShooter.Util | static |
VerticalAngle(float height, float distance) | CoverShooter.Util | static |